I have recently met some special people, whom are little known and talked about. They are mountain people: mountain climbers, mountain rescuers, guides, in a mountain people.
They have an athletic conformation, but impressive are their arms, and especially their powerful palms, exhausted by effort, torn by stone, ice and cold.
On their hard face, though wrinkled and kneaded by wind and rain, I was amazed to see a cheerful, warm, optimistic look.
The alpinists, the climbers, are perfect athletes, they train in harsh conditions, in loneliness, to make representations not in front of tribunes or full stadiums, but in front of the magnificence of the nature, the mountain, or in the best case of the escalade partner.
I was thinking why these people made this particularly difficult and excessively risky sport, and few of us could answer this question.
These athletes, who at each ascend reach their own limits, test, push with each ascend, the limits of the human being towards new targets.
They overcome themselves, overcome their fears, and overcome physical and mental impotence more than any other sport or profession.
These people have injured palms, are full of bruises, they have a will and power of sacrifice out of the ordinary. What impressed me most about these young people is that they are smart, but especially incurable dreamers, a feature we do not see today in many of our fellow men.
One of those who followed the path opened by Vlad Capusan on Cerro Torre is an Italian mountain saviour, Tommasso Lamantia.
He is cheerful, open, smiling – though he had his feet frozen up close to the knee, having pains at every step. How can you be so optimistic and cheerful, but at the same time, to endure a grievous pain… You have to be really extraordinarily powerful. They do not climb the mountain, do not conquer it – they concentrate to be better every time. Their dream is to overcome themselves.
A famous mountain man, Scottish Victor Saunders, reached the very old age, discovers that in order to live this dream, he must: “Be in the right place at the right time and with the right partner.”
I really understand who these people are, when they say they do this sport first of all, in order to achieve their dreams.
Shouldn’t we, the ordinary people, see everyday life as something else than a place of disputes, tension, competition, namely as a way for the fulfilment of dreams?
We humans are passing by, we must let ourselves carried by our dreams, not just by selfishness, greed, envy, which we call eloquently pragmatism.

Adrian Crivii is the founder of Darian DRS SA and the coordinating partner of the management teams across all the divisions of Darian Group. He has also been a member of ANEVAR since 1993 and an honorary member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). Adrian Crivii is a REV valuer (Recognised European Valuer) and graduated the Machinery and Equipment Valuation Course (ME 201-206) of the American Society of Appraisers.