Tax Manager

Elena MitreaTax Manager
Elena is a Tax Manager at Darian DRS Tax and she has been working in the field of tax consulting since 2009. In 2020 she joined Darian DRS Tax team. Elena has been involved in numerous tax consulting projects such as due diligence, tax audits, tax assistance in audit missions, but also in projects on assistance in completing tax returns, preparing letters and appeals to the Minister of Finance on various tax issues.
She has also been involved in tax assistance projects for clients in various industries, including the IT industry, the pharmaceutical industry, real estate, manufacturing, etc.
Elena is a graduate of the Faculty of Finance Banks and Stock Exchanges within the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest and also graduated with a master’s degree in Corporate Finance from the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest. Elena is an authorized tax consultant, member of the Romanian Chamber of Tax Consultants.