Between 8 -11 March in Bucharest takes places IRTF 2017, a unique, large-scale event, dedicted to business women in Romania and Israel. Entrepreneurs, partners in significant companies, experts in various fields and management positions present at IRTD 2017 will share their experiences, motivations and joy to contribute to strengthening and development of new partnerships and projects between Romania and Israel.
The DARIAN company is represented within this edition by Otilia Peţu –managing-partner within Darian Tax and membre in the BWFR board, as speaker, in the second part of the event “Networking circles BWFR – Israel” from 10.03.2017.
The event will be conducted in the course of three days full of activity, with seminars, workshops and a good dose of fun, the organizer’s motto being “Our language is… business!”
The program will also include inspirational moments and success stories, secrets and marketing strategies, information about how a business in Romania/Israel develops and looks like, accounts about the speakers’ own experiences, case studies, networking, etc…the key purpose of the even being to share as many business success experiences as possible and to open new gates to successful partnerships, in bilateral businesses. The event is organized by BWFR & Business Women Forum România, in collaboration with BWFR & Business Women Forum Israel.

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