On 30 May 2017 we will wait for you to Intercontinental Hotel – Bucharest within a new conference on specialist topics, organized by Avocatnet.ro.
The DARIAN company is represented by Oana-Maria Rada – Partner of Darian DRS Tax that wil speak, alongside other specialists in the field about how we can successfully manage tax audits, disputes or litigations.
The event will start at 09:00 o’clock.
Among the topics of the day will be: preparing the company for the tax audit; the rights and obligations of the company checked by the TAX AUTHORITIES; frequent mistakes that produce problems with ANAF: how can they be avoided, specific approach on various taxation areas checked by the TAX AUTHORITIES; tax control concluded: disputes and litigations; control for VAT reimbursement: practical aspects; Excise Duties, Customs Duties and VAT, etc.
We are waiting for you at the conference!
Oana-Maria Rada is a Partner of Darian DRS Tax, with a broad experience in projects of fiscal restructuring, tax reviews, tax compliance projects, tax audits or in drawing-up the transfer pricing documentations, assisting clients in various industries, multinational companies, but also significant local companies. Oana has experience in litigations in fiscal area, providing assistance within the tax audit procedures and in the administrative ones.
Link event: http://oferte.avocatnet.ro/inspectii-fiscale
Suntem soluția eficientă în oferirea de servicii complexe de evaluare și consultanță pentru clienții corporativi. Echipa noastră de specialiști asistă clienții în soluționarea diverselor spețe cu impact fiscal.