Between June 26-27, 2018, the General Assembly (GA) and the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the World Association of Valuation Organizations (WAVO), to which Romania has been part of since its set up in 2004, took place in Singapore.
At these events, important decisions have been made regarding the development of the profession of valuator in the perspective of globalization and its relationship with the other professions of the financial industry.
With a view to consolidation, stability and continuity, the GA decided to elect a core of 7 members elected in personam within the Executive Committee (ExCom), consisting of 11 members, with the remaining 4 positions being held by representatives of member organizations.
As a result of the recognition of his experience and activity, Adrian Crivii was elected vice-president of WAVO and in personam representative for a 10-year term in the Executive Committee.
Between June 24-25, 2018, the inaugural conference of the world’s most prestigious global organizations of valuer profession, the IVSC (International Valuation Standard Council) and WAVO, took place in Singapore.
During this conference, lectures and seminars took place in which professionals of valuation from all continents presented the most current topics as well as the development trends of the profession, in the context of the evolution of technology and globalization.
Mr. Adrian Crivii, President of DARIAN DRS S.A., presented a subject related to the management of valuation processes in the era of artificial intelligence, on the topic “The future of valuation – Darian PRO – Computer aided valuation”.
Also, Mr. Adrian Crivii moderated a seminar on topics related to the role of artificial intelligence in developing valuation tools for the financial industry.
Suntem soluția eficientă în oferirea de servicii complexe de evaluare și consultanță pentru clienții corporativi. Echipa noastră de specialiști asistă clienții în soluționarea diverselor spețe cu impact fiscal.