Darian is constantly concerned with the satisfaction of its customers. Please answer by selecting the answer that best suits your opinion.

Your profile

For how long have you been using Darian’s services? *
On average, how often do you use Darian’s services? *
You represent: *


What services do you usually use? *
Do you consider that Darian’s services are performed professionally? *

Quality, price

How do you evaluate the quality of services? *
Do Darian’s services solve your problems? *
How do you rate the quality-price ratio of the Darian services you have turned to? *
How do you promptly assess Darian's response and service execution? *


What do you think is Darian's attitude toward customers? *
To what extent are you advised by Darian consultants in choosing the right services for the problems you want to solve? *

General Appreciation

How do you generally appreciate Darian? *