Properties purchased « cash » from capital resulting even from the underground economy, a spectacular evolution of the real estate market due in this case to the infusion of specialists in the IT field, a forecast of spectacular growth of the Cluj – Napoca population in the following decade, but also a temporary lack of clear vision from the administration regarding the strategic development of the city are just a few issues that preoccupy right now the analysts in the field of consultancy and evaluation, that are watching the local economy. The founder of the DARIAN company of consultancy and evaluation from Cluj, Adrian Crivii speaks about the current situation of the economy and real-estate market of Cluj-Napoca. Adrian Crivii insists and draws attention in aninterview to on these “cash investment” in real estate with possible future boomerang effects, signaling the issue as being an “overheating”, a real estate bubble that can have not only positive effects if there isn’t a strategic development of the city. This, all the more as a new economic crisis sees to knock at the door….
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