The obligation to draw-up the transfer pricing documentation
A need for expertize and experience arises as regards finding the best solutions for these businesses to be taken further by the new generation.
Suntem soluția eficientă în oferirea de servicii complexe de evaluare și consultanță pentru clienții corporativi. Echipa noastră de specialiști asistă clienții în soluționarea diverselor spețe cu impact fiscal.
A need for expertize and experience arises as regards finding the best solutions for these businesses to be taken further by the new generation.
The transfer pricing documentation is on its last stage. For assistance, contact a Darian consultant:
The mode of doing business in Romania is sometimes related to the avoidance of paying taxes and not of solutions for development.
Is reorganization a symbol of helplessness to grow (and then we seek to reduce costs as much) or of certain preparations for the sale of certain busineses? See more on the new platform
Opportunity for companies to acquire really just values to provide a correct image on the size and value of businesses.
It is important for the companies to learn to use consultants in recruitment and in other situations, not only when they end up in difficult situations such as a crisis of growth or insolvency.