New measures adopted in March 21, 2020
Suntem soluția eficientă în oferirea de servicii complexe de evaluare și consultanță pentru clienții corporativi. Echipa noastră de specialiști asistă clienții în soluționarea diverselor spețe cu impact fiscal.
The difficult context in which the Romanian pension system is located, the existing imbalances, the ratio between the average pension and the average gross salary. How the principle of contributivity applies (or not) and the consequences on the budget - with implications on investments and the development of the national economy. [...]
On October 23, 2019, the meeting of the Executive Board of the World Association of Valuation Organizations (WAVO) took place at Gold Coast Australia.
Darian DRS provided consultancy services in the transaction between EVW Holding, sole importer and distributor of DAF trucks in Romania, and the Belgian company Turbos Hoet Group.
Law no. 129/2019 for the prevention and combating of money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as for the amendment and supplementing of some normative acts was published in the Official Gazette of Romania, no. 589 of July 18, 2019 and entered into force on July 21, 2019, by means of which the old [...]
It is true that a well-trained and experienced lawyer can "direct" the path of a trial in the winning direction, but especially in commercial cases, where the level of information to be processed abounds not only quantitatively, but also in terms of the multitude of fields to which they refer, the presence of one or [...]
In a context with a special symbolic meaning for the Cluj community, the Centenary of the Romanian National Opera in Cluj-Napoca, the Transylvania Leaders Foundation has the honour to support the Opera Ball, an important event on the cultural calendar of our city. Adrian Crivii, CEO of DARIAN DRS and President of [...]
Three more of our colleagues received during an awarding ceremony the MAA titles - an accredited member of ANEVAR (National Association of Authorized Valuators in Romania) Cristina Popa, Vlad Doroftei and Bogdan Toma are the ones who have passed the accreditation exam and that have made us proud that we are a high-performance team [...]
I participated in a workshop on the topic of “Future of the RICS profession”, on the occasion of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, on November 21 at the UK Embassy in Vienna. The lecture was held by Prof. Barry Gilbertson, the 123rd RICS Global President, a leading [...]