VLAD CĂPUȘAN Everest Track PUMORII PEAK 2017 opening a new route – Part II
Suntem soluția eficientă în oferirea de servicii complexe de evaluare și consultanță pentru clienții corporativi. Echipa noastră de specialiști asistă clienții în soluționarea diverselor spețe cu impact fiscal.
When financial assets are no longer a resource During the last 10 years, especially after the economic-financial crisis there were substantial changes in the monetary politics of the big central banks in the world. After 2008, the Treasury of the United States of America intensified the monetary relaxation process and cash infusion, the [...]
An index of the evolution of real estate values that is based on the figures collected from our professionals was launched today. Darian is one of the few Romanian companies that excels in the field of business consultancy and that provides year after year to its clients the real estate index at national level. [...]
Technological progress, the emergence and development of the IT industry, with all that this implies, allow young people of the new generation to be more and more mobile, with another kind of expectations when it comes to buying a home. This change in the behavior of the new generation can be best seen in [...]
We support performance and from here comes our involvement in the field of mountain climbing. Over the years, this exceptional and solitary field brought to us special satisfaction. Thank you, Vlad!
DARIAN proudly supports talent, dreams and mountain performance. DARIAN’s involvement in various projects of mountain climbing became normality and people supported by us in expeditions are great friends. One of this mountain performance team is made-up of Vlad Căpușan and Zsolt Torok, leading Romanian climbers who, in the last weeks fought with themselves, with the [...]
DARIAN’s involvement in projects to support the community and encourage performance was constant in over 25 years of active presence in the business environment in Romania. We know that the evolution of the business environment is closely linked to the development of the community, reason for which we supported various community projects whenever we [...]
Dear Madame / Dear Sir, According to a recently published release, ANAF has announced that following a risk analysis performed by the General Department of Coordination of the Tax Audit within ANAF on the large taxpayers mamaged, starting from 01.01.2017 a number of around 108 large taxpayers with a high fiscal risk was selected for [...]