We grow economically, but how?
The risks of an economic growth based mainly on consumption and what does sustainable development mean.
Suntem soluția eficientă în oferirea de servicii complexe de evaluare și consultanță pentru clienții corporativi. Echipa noastră de specialiști asistă clienții în soluționarea diverselor spețe cu impact fiscal.
The risks of an economic growth based mainly on consumption and what does sustainable development mean.
Adrian Crivii, CEO of Darian DRS, begins a series of comments on important economic events this week. These may be viewed on the YouTube channel of Darian DRS and Adrian Crivii. Also, Darian consultants from all business lines will point out sensitive issues encountered during the consultancy provided to the companies in [...]
The CEO of Darian DRS, Mr. Adrian Crivii, has grown in the first years of his career, as a scientific researcher at the Institute of Computing Technique - ITC Cluj Branch. In gratitude for the education and inspiration received in the middle of that wonderful team, DARIAN DRS has the honour to [...]
For the ninth consecutive year, Darian DRS SA, the most important Romanian independent company in the field of consulting and evaluation services, launches "Real Estate Market Analysis - Q2 2018". The study focuses its attention on Residential and Land and Industrial, Commercial, Offices sectors. The Darian study covers all 41 county residence cities and [...]
Unfortunately, the countdown for the “ball” that follows after the “carnival” already started and will debut in a short time. Even though it is not nice to be the prophet of the crisis, I think that we shouldn’t get stuck, we need to be clear-headed and to look it in the eyes as a reality [...]
Adrian Crivii, the expert valuator from Cluj, the vice-president, member in the executive committee and founder of the World Association of Valuation Organisations (WAVO), explains for “Adevarul” how Cluj became an extremely expensive city from the real estate standpoint. “The person that leads a city takes into consideration the opportunities offered and the risks that [...]
I return to an article written nearly a year ago about the danger of global protectionist policies, the spurts of which may be the trigger of global economic turmoil. The protectionist policy of the Trump administration, which is recently manifested by the intention to increase the import taxes on steel and aluminium, only provokes an [...]
"A sponsorship does not mean a contract. It means at least one strong man who believes in you, who does not sleep at night because he knows that you are there, in full ascent. DARIAN understands the ethics, the style of an ascent, but also the risks to which we engage in such an [...]
I have recently met some special people, whom are little known and talked about. They are mountain people: mountain climbers, mountain rescuers, guides, in a mountain people. They have an athletic conformation, but impressive are their arms, and especially their powerful palms, exhausted by effort, torn by stone, ice and cold. On their hard face, [...]
We are at the end of a three-year cycle since applying the new Tax Code approach for the taxation value of real estate, and I would like to make some critical assessments on this subject, building on Darian's experience. The taxation value has been further made by separating, I say, unhappily, the two essential components [...]