Why do companies’ investments fall?
The effects of the lack of predictability of fiscal policies on the investment strategy of companies.
Suntem soluția eficientă în oferirea de servicii complexe de evaluare și consultanță pentru clienții corporativi. Echipa noastră de specialiști asistă clienții în soluționarea diverselor spețe cu impact fiscal.
The effects of the lack of predictability of fiscal policies on the investment strategy of companies.
The relationship between sustainable development of large cities and the degree of mobility in metropolitan areas.
The importance of adopting the euro at the right time, the risks of premature adoption or of an unjustified delay
On the occasion of the IVSC - WAVO Annual Conference, the General Assembly of the World Organization (WAVO) also took place in Frankfurt. On this occasion, Adrian Popa - the representative of Darian company - was awarded the Certificate of Corporate Member of this prestigious global organization of evaluators. [...]
The consequences of chronic labour force shortages, the prerequisites for reducing the labour force deficit and possible solutions to cover the deficit.
We get involved again in causes that can make a difference - Darian was the partner of the charity event organized by ANEVAR and Apreciază Viaţa Foundation
The effects of eliminating facilities in the IT industry.
Darian DRS received a symbol of appreciation, in the Aula Magna of the UBB University within the "Academic Days of Cluj" as Honorary Partner of the event.
Probable effects of the escalating trade war between the planet's two major economic powers, the US and China.
The risks of an economic growth based mainly on consumption and what does sustainable development mean.