New measures adopted in March 21, 2020
Prima Casa, a contested program. The "Prima Casa" program is increasingly challenged, and this still happens 10 years after its launch. The initiative of the Romanian state to support young families in buying a home started as a good one, at a time that could not be more appropriate, in full economic and real estate [...]
An overview of the 30-year history of a successful Romanian company, contexts of the era and association with DWNT.
Forecast on the evolution of real estate prices on the Cluj market in 2020.
Entering the fourth decade of activity.
The high percentage of Romanians who own a home is an advantage but at the same time it can affect long-term mobility.
The consequences of the trade war on currencies and monetary policies.
The current context of wage developments, prospects, risks and imbalances in the labour market.
The context of the decline of global industrial production, macro-economic influences and consequences on the Romanian economy.
The pension system in Romania, why the principle of contributivity does not work and how the special pensions burden a system on the verge of collapse.