Managing Partner

Oana-Maria RadaManaging Partner
Oana Rada is a Partner Coordinator with Darian DRS Tax and has extensive experience gathered with Darian DRS Tax and other well known tax consultancy companies. She is involved in various projects both in direct and indirect tax areas.

Oana has experience in tax restructuring projects, tax review, due diligence projects, tax compliance, tax inspection, preparation of transfer pricing files, assisting clients from various industries, multinational companies as well as large local companies. In addition, Oana has experience in tax litigation, providing assistance during tax inspections and administrative proceedings.

She is a member of the Chamber of Tax Consultants in Romania. Oana holds a bachelor’s degree in Finance, Insurance, Banks and Stock Exchange Markets from the Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest and also a bachelor’s degree in Law from Bucharest University. Additionally, Oana holds a master’s degree in Corporate Finance from the Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest.